OSCE/ODIHR welcomes big number of party members at Belarus’ elections

         It is encouraging that a considerable number of party nominees takes part in the elections to the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus, Head of the OSCE/ODIHR election observation mission Antonio Milososki told media in Vitebsk, where the mission met with members of district election commissions.
       “We have seen a big number of party members among electoral contestants and we welcome it as a positive step,” Antonio Milososki said. However, he added that the election campaign is rather lukewarm.
        The OSCE/ODIHR mission has established contacts with representatives of all district election commissions and the Central Election Commission. A preliminary report on the elections will be released by the mission in a day after election day; the final report will be published eight weeks later. “Belarus is an important member of the OSCE. We are here not to push some political agenda, but to assess the conduct of the elections,” Antonio Milososki said.

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