Lukashenko congratulates foreign leaders on Victory Day


Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko has extended greetings to foreign leaders on the occasion of the 79th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, BelTA has learned.


Aleksandr Lukashenko sent congratulatory messages to Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev, Armenia President Vahagn Khachaturyan, Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Kyrgyzstan President Sadyr Zhaparov, Russia President Vladimir Putin, Tajikistan President Emomali Rahmon, Turkmenistan President Serdar Berdimuhamedow and the National Leader of the Turkmen People, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, Uzbekistan President Shavkat Mirziyoyev as well as to the peoples of Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.



In his congratulatory message to President of Russia Vladimir Putin the head of state noted that the Victory in the Great Patriotic War has become an imperishable link between the brotherly nations of Belarus and Russia while the unparalleled feat of millions of Soviet people, their tribulations and incalculable sacrifices are forever inscribed in the heroic chronicle of the two states.



Aleksandr Lukashenko pointed out that in 2024 Belarusians celebrate a glorious jubilee - the 80th anniversary of the republic’s liberation from Nazi invaders. “This special date is a good occasion to remind the whole world about tenacity in the face of common threats, the readiness and the ability to defend every inch of the native land, to preserve and defend the heritage of the nationwide heroic feat,” the president noted. “Today the Belarusian-Russian unity serves as the main outpost in resisting persistent attempts to rewrite history, justify genocide and Nazism. I am confident that our strength, security and well-being hinge on such partnership.”



Addressing the people of Georgia, the Belarusian head of the state reminded that the Victory had been achieved not only by force of arms, but also by unbending will, steadfastness and cohesion of the brotherly peoples and it had become a symbol of courage and spiritual greatness of the Soviet nation, who defended the right of the future generations to exist. “In today’s reality for the sake of our descendants it is important to take good care of the truth about the joint fight against Nazism, resolutely oppose any attempts to distort and revise results of the Great Patriotic War,” the president pointed out.



Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that the Belarusian land remembers and honors the sons of Georgia, who fought and sacrificed their lives for Belarus: “I am sure that gratitude to the victorious heroes and deep respect for the common history represent a strong link between our countries and citizens.”



Congratulating the people of Moldova on the anniversary of the Great Victory, the Belarusian head of state noted that this year marks the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus and Moldova from Nazi invaders. “I am convinced that traditions of brotherly friendship and mutual support of our peoples, which were hardened during the harsh years of the war, and the shared memory will not allow forgetting the immortal feat of the victorious soldiers and rewriting the glorious pages of the history of the Great Patriotic War,” the Belarusian leader stressed.



In his congratulatory message to the people of Ukraine Aleksandr Lukashenko said that despite the decades that have passed since the spring of 1945, 9 May will forever remain a day of bright memory for residents of Belarus and Ukraine. “Thanks to unity and courage and at the cost of heavy losses and great efforts Belarusians and Ukrainians managed to defeat the ruthless enemy, protect the freedom and independence of their Motherland together,” the message reads. “On this day we proudly recall the glorious pages of our shared history and honor the liberating heroes. Our common duty today is not to forget their heroic feat, draw conclusions from the past and resist any attempts to rewrite results of the Great Patriotic War.”



The president also offered Victory Day greetings to top government officials of the Russian Federation and the head of the Russian Orthodox Church as well as heads of international and regional organizations.



Foreign leaders and prominent individuals from various spheres also keep sending congratulatory messages on the occasion of the Victory anniversary to Aleksandr Lukashenko and the Belarusian people.


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English Service
Radio Belarus,

Greetings to all staff and listeners of English Service of Radio Belarus.
We listen your webcast program. Your program quality is very nice. Your website is colorful & documented.
We liked your programs, News, and Current Affairs Program. We are interested about Culture, life style of Belarusian people, historical places, Tourist attraction and destination of Belarus.
Please send some program schedule (A19), Calendar , sticker, view card, Promotional items of Radio Belarus for our club members and students.
21st June was fifth International Yoga Day observed across the world. The theme for Yoga Day 2019 was "Yoga for Climate Action”. On this day, which is dedicated to inner and outer well-being of human body, people across the world practice yoga in groups. The International Day of Yoga aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga, a physical, mental and spiritual practice.
We send you some photos related the program which was held in our area on the occasion of International Yoga Day. Our club members are also practice some Yoga.
We are waiting for your reply.

With best wishes,


Dear Shivendu Paul and Metali Listeners' Club,

dthank you for your comment! We'll send you some of our souvenirs ASAP.
Stay tuned and 73,

Hallo Radio Belarus,

ja der Dieter Leupold ist jetzt auch hier im Gästebuch vertreten... Super, bald sind wir alle zusammen hier im "Belarus Hörerclub", Dieter könnte 1.Vorsitzender werden und Jana und Elena Ehrernmitglieder, Helmut Matt Schriftführer, Alfred Albrecht Beisitzer und ich mache Hausmeister:-) Lutz Winkler wie fit bist Du bereits wieder, für Dich finden wir auch eine nette Aufgabe:-) Beste Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende.



Lieber Dietmar,

das stimmt, für alle finden wir im Hörerklub eine Aufgabe!:)
Liebe Grüße und einen guten Start in die Woche!

I recently learned my surname is not Polish, but Belarusian. I heard you on shortwave in the past and am so happy to listen online in English. We hear nothing about Belarus here in the US so I am so glad to learn about your country. Keep on broadcasting in English. I also joined the Hoererklub on Facebook as I can understand German. If you have information or a station pennant, I will very much appreciate it.
Sheryl Paszkiewicz, 1015 Green St, Manitowoc WI 54220 USA


Dear Sheryl, thank you very much for listening to us! We'll send you some of our souvenirs as soon as we can. By the way, if you're interested, you can participate in our "The Old Country's Loving Call" project and send a greeting to Belarus. You can find more detailed information at

Also, in case you like sports, here's the link to an international competition of ours "My Greetings to 2nd European Games"

73 from the entire staff of RBI! Прывiтанне з Малой Радiзмы :)

Hello from Birmingham United Kingdom!

My name is Michael.

I really enjoyed listening to your program on the Hotbird satellite 13e. I very much love listening to your news and current affairs.
Ask you to send me a small gifts. I hope you guys are all good.

Lots of love from UK

Especially enjoying learning about Belarus. History and culture

Michael Rogers

Flat 2 463 City road Birmingham

B17 8LG

United Kingdom



thank you very much for listening to us! We're glad that you enjoy our programs. We'll send you some of our souvenirs as soon as we can. Best regards and stay tuned!

Hello. I am a new listener to your English service. I listen on the Radio 1 News app. I enjoyed listening to the news. Do you have any information on shortwave broadcasts you can send me?

Thank you,

Joe Cosimo

23 Ivy Ln, Dupont, PA 18641 U.S.A.


Dear Joe, thank you for listening to Radio Belarus International! We're glad that you enjoyed our news. RBI broadcasts on shortwave only in German on 6005 and 3985 kHz. News and programs in English are available via our website and satellites. We'll also send you a postcard and a small souvenir as soon as we can. 73!


My name is Younes Lazazi, I am from Algeria.
I am very happy that radio Belarus has started broadcasting in Arabic.
I would like to receive stickers and printed matter of the station and the Arabic and french services if possible.
My address:

Monsieur Younes Lazazi 14 rue Maza Boualem El-Harrach 16009 Alger Algérie

Thank you.


Dear Younes Lazazi,

we're happy that you like our boradcasts. We'll send you some of our printed materials via mail in the nearest future. 73!

Dear English Service Radio Belarus,

Greetings to all staff and listeners of English Service of Radio Belarus. We listen your webcast program. Your program quality is very nice. Your website is colorful & documented. We liked your programs, News, and Current Affairs Program. We are interested about Culture, life style of Belarusian people, historical places, Tourist attraction and destination of Belarus.

Please send some program schedule, sticker, view card, Promotional items of Radio Belarus for our club members and students.

We are waiting for your reply.

With best wishes,



Metali Listeners' Club



Dear Shivendu Paul,

thank you very much for listening to us! Your club is among our most dedicated listeners. We will send you some of our promotional products as soon as possible. 73!


Did the arabic programmes start? I don't see them on your Internetcast schedule page. Thanks!


Hello! The Arabic programmes have been on air since October, every Monday. You can see the schedule and listen to them on our Arabic page


FM transmitters and frequencies:

Rakitnitsa - 106.2 MHz
Hrodna - 95.7 MHz
Svislach - 104.4 MHz
Heraniony - 99.9 MHz
Braslau - 106.6 MHz
Miadzel - 102.0 MHz

Satellite broadcasting:

see satellite parameters here



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