Alexander Lukashenko sent an address to delegations who take part in commemorative events timed to the 75th anniversary of the Minsk Ghetto destruction

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko sent an address to Belarusians and foreign delegations who take part in commemorative events timed to the 75th anniversary of the Minsk Ghetto destruction, we learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader.

The abhorrent crimes against humanity committed during the Second World War seared into people’s memory. It was 75 years ago when the Minsk Ghetto was liquidated; however people still feel the agonizing pain inflicted by this tragedy.

Alexander Lukashenko noted that on this Day of Remembrance we remember all the ghettos, all Nazi victims, mourn the dead, share the grief of those who survived but lost loved ones. “We are grateful to the residents of Belarus who risking their lives rescued ghetto prisoners and who were later awarded the title “Righteous Among The Nations”, the message said.

The president stressed that many generations of Belarusians remember the lessons of history and cherish peace.

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