Greece interested in Belarus’ experience in ensuring universal access to healthcare

        Greece can learn from Belarus’ experience in ensuring universal access to healthcare, BelTA quotes Greece’s Secretary General of Public Health Ioannis Baskozos, who is taking part in the WHO European Ministerial Conference on the Life-course Approach in the Context of Health 2020 in Minsk. Mr. Ioannis Baskozos noted that several speeches, including those delivered by Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko and the Belarusian Healthcare Minister, aroused his particular interest. He also stressed the importance of the Minsk Declaration that will be adopted at the WHO European Ministerial Conference. “All the countries have carefully studied the document. We all understand that the declaration should be used as a basis for national healthcare policies,” Mr. Ioannis Baskozos noted. In his words, Belarus is a very interesting country with a good experience in reforming the healthcare system. “This is my first visit to Belarus and I hope I will have the opportunity to visit the country again,” he said.

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