India, Iran eager to develop cooperation with Belarus

      India President Pranab Mukherjee, Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, and Iran President Hassan Rouhani have congratulated Alexander Lukashenko on the re-election as Belarus’ President, the press service of the Belarusian leader reports.
      Pranab Mukherjee stressed that India and Belarus are traditionally connected by the close ties of friendship, comprehensive bilateral cooperation and mutual understanding in the international arena. “I am convinced that under your leadership our bilateral relations with Belarus will be increasingly vibrant,” he noted.
Hassan Rouhani expressed hope that in the next five-year period the sides will join efforts to build up and use the existing potential to enhance cooperation between Iran and Belarus at the bilateral regional and international levels.

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Teraz odtwarzane:
02.20 Bélarus d’aujourd’hui (FR)

02.40 Golden fund of Belarusian Radio (EN)

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30.05.24 - 17.00
30.05.24 - 18.00