Belarus-Russia union praised as mature integration system.

      The fact that the budget of the Union State of Belarus and Russia has not been reduced in difficult economic conditions indicates that the integration system is mature, Tatiana Moskalkova, a member of the Russian parliament, Chairwoman of the Legislation and Regulations Commission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia told reporters.
       A decree regulating the replenishment and spending of the Union State budget was adopted some time ago. “No program the two countries have set out to accomplish has been suspended. It is a very important fact that indicates that the integration system is mature,” stressed Tatiana Moskalkova.
      “We have polished budget procedures. It is now necessary to take care of property matters,” she added. A huge number of joint assets, for instance, a radiology center in Gomel Oblast, have been created over the years through joint efforts of Russia and Belarus. “It is necessary to understand how to operate these facilities, where to register them, how to use the money the facilities built using the Union State assets will generate,” said the MP.

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