Siluanov: If necessary, Russia will consider providing aid to Belarus

      If necessary, Russia will consider offering extra aid to Belarus, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said in an interview with the American television network CNBC, news agencies report.
      "In the case of an emergency, we are ready to consider their request for help,” the minister said adding that Belarus’ economy is closely related to that of Russia.
     “Now we are studying the situation with our Belarusian colleagues. We are analyzing all the factors influencing the economic situation in both countries, including the sanctions and falling oil prices. Currently we are engaged in negotiations,” Anton Siluanov said.
      Earlier, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said as he talke to the media: “We would not want to take out more credits. But I have a solid agreement with the President and the Prime Minister of Russia that if it is going to be very hard for us, Russia will lend a helping hand.”

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