MTZ to open office in Egypt in 2015

      Minsk Tractor Works (MTZ trademark) has plans to open an office in Egypt in 2015, director of the MTZ marketing center Vladimir Makarenko said at the opening ceremony of the conference of dealers of the MTZ commodity distribution network.
    “Egypt remains our biggest sales market in Africa. In 2015 we are set to open an office there to sell tractors and thus support our exports to African countries,” Vladimir Makarenko said.
The company is also determined to increase the export of tractors to Sudan and tractor sets to the assembly enterprise in Algeria. The company keeps working to establish a foothold on the markets of Nigeria and South Africa where MTZ opened offices in 2014. The shipments to the Congo and Morocco will increase, too. “One of our targets is to resume supplies of tractor sets to the assembly enterprise in Ethiopia,” the director of the marketing center added.
    The company’s commodity distribution network in Africa comprises four assembly enterprises and 15 dealers. According to preliminary estimates, the export to African countries in 2014 will make up about $30 million. In 2014 MTZ traded with 71 countries worldwide.

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