Belarus, Poland to cooperate in extraction of mineral resources

         Belarus and Poland plan to cooperate in the extraction of mineral resources, BelTA learned from Vice Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Rusyi after the third session of the Belarusian-Polish commission on economic cooperation in Warsaw on 2 December. During the session the sides also discussed their vision of the prospects of interaction within the framework of the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union. Apart from that, participants of the session focused on matters concerning support for the arrival of new Belarusian products in the market of Poland. Belarus’ interest was mentioned in finding Polish distributors and dealers to sell products made by Amkodor, Santa Bremor as well as companies that make automobile components. At the end of the session the sides signed a protocol to sketch out avenues of cooperation. Mikhail Rusyi suggested summing up preliminary results of the work in H1 2015. The next session of the Belarusian-Polish intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation is expected to take place in Minsk in 2015.

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