Belarus, France in talks over project in pharmaceutical industry

      Belarus and France may set up a pharmaceuticals production facility, BelTA quotes Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Belarus to France and concurrently to Spain and Portugal Pavel Latushko.
      In addition, Belarus is in talks with the French partners over the project to organize a production of detached equipment for farm machines at one of the enterprises in Belarus. "Talks have already been held with a number of Belarusian companies that can take part in this project. Soon the French partners will choose which Belarusian enterprise they would like to organize this joint production with,” said Pavel Latushko. The Ambassador also said that a company from the French city of Bordeaux suggested setting up a sports medicine hospital in Belarus. "Currently Belarus is building is a national center of sports medicine. The French representatives familiarized with its construction and the execution of the project. They will present their proposals on their possible participation in this project,” said the diplomat.

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