President of Belarus sends greetings to President of Croatia

President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has sent greetings to President of Croatia Ivo Josipovic as the country celebrates Statehood Day, we learned from the press service of the head of state.

“I sincerely hope that Belarus and Croatia will continue developing relations based on the principles of mutual respect for the benefit of our countries and peoples and in the best interests of the entire European community,” the Belarusian head of state remarked.

President of the Republic has also sent greetings to President of Slovenia Borut Pahor as the country celebrates Statehood Day. Alexander Lukashenko expressed hope for further strengthening of friendly relations between the two Slavic states and the development of mutually beneficial cooperation in all avenues for the benefit of the nations and in order to promote security and stability in Europe.

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09.20 Kooperationsbrücken (DE)

09.40 Grüne Welt (DE)

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