Belarus presents draft resolution on granting observer status to EEU in UN General Assembly

         The Union State draft budget for 2016 will be considered at a meeting of the commission on budget and finance of the Belarus-Russia Union State Parliamentary Assembly in Moscow on 22 October, we learnt from the Union State PA press service.
      The MPs will discuss the budget performance in 2015. An important item in the agenda of the meeting will be the drafting of a new wording of the document to develop and implement Union State programs. The document developed in cooperation with the executive bodies of Belarus and Russia is designed to prompt the procedure of coordinating new Union State programs.
      Besides, the MPs will take a look at reports on removing shortcomings discovered in the course of the Union State budget performance in 2013, and on the organization of work to improve the legal framework regulating the budget process in the Union State.
   Attending the meeting will be MPs of the Parliamentary Assembly, representatives of the Union State Permanent Committee, Finance Ministries and monitoring bodies of Belarus and Russia.

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