Belarusian investment forum in Istanbul on 12-13 November

         A Belarusian investment forum will take place in Istanbul, Turkey on 12-13 November, BelTA quotes representatives of the National Agency of Investment and Privatization of Belarus. The Belarusian investment forum will take place in the Intercontinental Hotel in Istanbul's downtown. Participants of the event will be able to discuss opportunities for investment cooperation, peculiarities and advantages of doing business with the Belarusian side. As part of the forum representatives of the Belarusian and Turkish governments will make speeches. A plenary session will be held in the form of panel discussions focusing on macroeconomics, the investment climate, the presentation of investment projects and sites in Belarus. “We invite all the interested parties to take part in the event,” representatives of the Belarusian investment promotion agency told BelTA.

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