Belarusian musicians took part in the showcase festival Lost In Music in Finland.

       The list of participants of the forum included Belarusian bands Mustelide, Super Besse, and Shuma playing modern music, BelTA quotes the organizers of the festival. Over the past two years, Belarusian bands have been actively participating in so-called showcase festivals, international music events where musicians from different countries demonstrate their talents and skills not only to the audience but also to show business representatives. Such festivals feature a wide range of concerts usually devoted to different styles of music and sometimes to labels and countries.
      Lost In Music was the first showcase festival to feature a concert devoted to Belarus. The concert was attended by representatives of labels, agencies, and festivals from Finland, Germany, Austria, and the United States.

Emissions sur Internet
21.20 Internationale Rundschau (DE)

21.40 Das belarussische Jungsein (DE)

Horaires sur Internet
Horaire des émissions par satellite (voir les paramètres de réception ici)
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Nos fréquences

Les emetteurs FM et leur couverture:

Rakitnitsa – 106.2 MHz
Grodno – 95.7 MHz
Svisloch – 104.4 MHz
Gerniony – 99.9 MHz
Braslav – 106.6 MHz
Miadel – 102.0 MHz

Radiodiffusion par satellite :

voir les paramètres de réception ici
