Lukashenko: Belarus is always ready to help Ukraine

         Belarus is always ready to help Ukraine. Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko made the statement as het met with his Ukrainian counterpart Piotr Poroshenko in Kiev. “I would like a good state of affairs in Ukraine,” he stated.
        In turn, Ukraine President Piotr Poroshenko expects that the intensity of talks in Minsk will be restored. “Thanks to the effective interaction between us the terms ‘Minsk format’, ‘Minsk memorandum’, ‘Minsk protocol’, and ‘Minsk agreements’ are now part of the history of diplomacy. They have been recognized by the UN, the European Union, and the G20,” the Ukrainian President said during one-on-one talks:
      “Thank you for accepting my invitation. I am happy to see you here. We have a lot of things to discuss, from cooperation in economy and finance to coordination of our work within international organizations, as we now face serious challenges which we have to address in a concerted manner.
At the same time I would like to thank you once again for your principled stance on supporting the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of the country.
        Despite the difficult situation in your country, our trade turnover hasn’t shown any signs of a decrease. It even exhibited some growth. Moreover, Ukraine is interested in buying a wide range of Belarusian goods. Most importantly, Ukraine has no debts to Belarus. All of our contracts have been paid in full. It is a unique situation. And I have told you: if we can do something for you, call us, tell us what needs to be done. Whatever the President of Ukraine ever asked, we never failed. And it will be so in the future. It is not some political games, it is because we are neighbors and very close people.”

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