BSUIR, Magna Carta College Oxford in talks over joint projects

        The Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR) and Magna Carta College Oxford Business School are considering a possibility to implement joint projects in education. The statement was made by BSUIR First Prorector Anatoly Osipov at the recent press conference to address topical issues of the quality of European distance learning, BelTA reported. “Now we are in talks over joint projects. These projects will allow foreign students studying at the BSUIR to receive British education. These projects will also be about master’s programs and training of world-class professionals,” Anatoly Osipov informed. He noted that he cannot unveil more details about cooperation. “We go public about our projects when we get the first results,” he emphasized. For example, the university has recently opened two branches in the United States – in Boston and Chicago - and has plans to open an entire university abroad soon. The First Prorector did not unveil the country where this university will be opened.

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