International car festival to take place near Grodno on 19 July

     An international car festival will be held near Grodno on 19 July. The fifth car festival SunDay will be the largest festival of this kind in Belarus. It will feature the most interesting cars from Belarus, Lithuania, Poland and Russia.
   For example, this year the festival will welcome a participant from Poland who will display a supercar KTM X-BOW which can accelerate to 100km/h in 3.9 seconds. The car’s owner has already taken part in various TV shows, races and exhibitions.
     The festival will also feature retro and new cars, automobiles which took part in famous competitions and races.
     The program of the festival includes automobile contests, a concert and an open air party.

Emissions sur Internet
02.20 Bélarus d’aujourd’hui (FR)

02.40 Golden fund of Belarusian Radio (EN)

Horaires sur Internet
Horaire des émissions par satellite (voir les paramètres de réception ici)
concours de selfies
Nos fréquences

Les emetteurs FM et leur couverture:

Rakitnitsa – 106.2 MHz
Grodno – 95.7 MHz
Svisloch – 104.4 MHz
Gerniony – 99.9 MHz
Braslav – 106.6 MHz
Miadel – 102.0 MHz

Radiodiffusion par satellite :

voir les paramètres de réception ici
