Foreign Minister visits Cuba

Foreign Minister of Belarus Vladimir Makei visits Cuba. The talks with the leadership of this country, apart from issues of political interaction, feature new areas of cooperation in trade and economic sphere.

Earlier, during the official visit of the Belarusian Foreign Minister to Ecuador, the sides signed an agreement on visa-free trips for the citizens of the two countries. The Ecuadorian Vice President attended the ceremony. Vladimir Makei held a one-on-one meeting with Foreign Minister of Ecuador Ricardo Patino Aroca to discuss the ways to promote political contacts, including at the highest level. 

The sides expressed confidence that the recent opening of the Belarusian Embassy in Ecuador and the future opening of the Ecuadorean Embassy in Belarus will give a nudge to the development of bilateral cooperation. The ministers discussed the situation in Europe, Central and Latin America, ways to enhance cooperation in the international arena. The foreign ministers of Belarus and Ecuador held an expanded participation meeting with numerous representatives of Ecuadorean ministries and Belarusian companies. The sides also signed a memorandum of understanding in agriculture, animal husbandry, aquaculture and fishing. 

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18.40 In the Depth of the Country (EN)

19.00 Nowości z Białorusi (PL)

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