Lukashenko: Western sanctions will not affect EU-Belarus-EEU cooperation

       Western sanctions will not affect the cooperation between the European Union, Belarus and the Eurasian Economic Union, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko told reporters during his visit to the Stadler Minsk factory on 20 November, BelTA reports. Speaking about the sanctions, Alexander Lukashenko said that they are an anachronism. In his opinion, no matter how difficult it is now, the situation in Ukraine will calm down and these sanctions will be abandoned sooner or later.
      “Whatever the sanctions may be, people in the West and in the East are much smarter than those who impose these sanctions, and they will find avenues of cooperation in all areas. It is impossible to squeeze business. It is hard to isolate one person today, and such gigantic regions as the Eurasian Union, the EU will never be isolated,” the Belarusian head of state said. He added that the ties, even between people, are very close. Alexander Lukashenko added that he does not dramatize the situation with the sanctions.

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