Belarus, Turkmenistan adjust Garlyk factory construction schedule

      Belarus and Turkmenistan have adjusted the construction schedule for the Garlyk mining and processing factory, Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich, who is in Ashgabat on a visit, told the Belarus 1 TV channel.
      After visiting the construction site of the Belarusian-Turkmen biggest project, the Premier admitted the presence of certain difficulties, mainly nation-specific. At the same time Mikhail Myasnikovich praised the fact that the partners are able to find solutions. “Today we have agreed on adjusting the schedule to complete the construction of surface and underground complexes linking it to the delivery of equipment. Apart from that, we have taken a look at the financial diagram which was imperfect until now,” the Belarusian head of government said.
     The parties also considered other important issues and took concrete decisions.

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21.00 Nachrichten (DE)

21.20 Internationale Rundschau (DE)

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