Early voting in the presidential election kicked off in Belarus

        Early voting in the presidential election kicked off in Belarus. Voting in advance is possible not only within the country, but also at the polling stations which are formed abroad, says the chairman of the Central Election Commission Lidia Yermoshina:
       “49 polling stations have been organized abroad for the elections of the President of Belarus. Their numbers are from 77 to 125. All of the stations are listed in alphabetical order according to the countries where Embassies are located. Thus, the first one is in Vienna, Austria, while the last one, 125th, is located in Japan.”

تم إعداد قضية المعلومات على أساس المواد الراديو البيلاروسية الخاصة، وكالة المعلومات بيلتا ومصادر أخرى.

المقابلات والبرامج

" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"

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