Rail freight transportation from China to EU via Belarus up three times in 2014

       The rail freight transport from China to EU via Belarus increased threefold in 2014 as against the previous year and amounted to 40,600 twenty-foot equivalent units, the press center of the Belarusian Railway reported. Experts explained that container trains going transit through Belarus carry cargo from China to European countries, including Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic.
      "Given the global trend of containerization of freight transport, Belarusian Railways takes an active part in new projects in this area,” said the press center. For example, in March 2014, the new container train from China to Europe was launched in partnership with OOO UTLC Project Office and DHL Global Forwarding. In May 2014 the container train successfully delivered Chinese products from Wuchang (China) to Pardubice (Czech Republic). In June a container train was launched to deliver Hyundai vehicle sets from the Czech Republic to Kazakhstan (Kostanay).

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" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"

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